Source code for


The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2015-2018 Jason Antman <>

    This file is part of awslimitchecker, also known as awslimitchecker.

    awslimitchecker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    awslimitchecker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with awslimitchecker.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
otherwise altered, except to add the Author attribution of a contributor to
this work. (Additional Terms pursuant to Section 7b of the AGPL v3)
While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
bugs please submit them at <> or
to me via email, and that you send any contributions or improvements
either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

import abc  # noqa
import logging
from boto3 import client
from botocore.config import Config

from .base import _AwsService
from ..limit import AwsLimit
from ..utils import paginate_dict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Override the elbv2 API maximum retry attempts

[docs]def allow_count_or_none_units(value, in_unit, out_unit): """ This is a unit converter for Service Quotas; see :py:meth:`.ServiceQuotasClient.get_quota_value` for details. This is a work-around for where, sometime between 2020-11-02 and 2020-11-09, the quota unit for Application Load Balancers per Region and Classic Load Balancers per Region changed, without announcement or warning, from "Count" to "None". This converter allows both options and treats them identically. """ if in_unit not in ['None', 'Count'] or out_unit != 'Count': logger.error( 'ERROR: cannot convert Service Quotas (A|E)LB limit value from ' 'units of "%s" to units of "%s"', in_unit, out_unit ) return None return value
[docs]class _ElbService(_AwsService): """ Note that ELB (ELBv1) and ALB (ELBv2) are combined in the same service. This is because, per AWS docs, the limit for number of load balancers per region is a combination of ELB and ALB. """ service_name = 'ELB' api_name = 'elb' quotas_service_code = 'elasticloadbalancing'
[docs] def find_usage(self): """ Determine the current usage for each limit of this service, and update corresponding Limit via :py:meth:`~.AwsLimit._add_current_usage`. """ logger.debug("Checking usage for service %s", self.service_name) for lim in self.limits.values(): lim._reset_usage() elb_usage = self._find_usage_elbv1() alb_usage = self._find_usage_elbv2() logger.debug('ELBs in use: %d, ALBs in use: %d', elb_usage, alb_usage) self.limits['Classic load balancers']._add_current_usage( elb_usage, aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', ) self.limits['Application load balancers']._add_current_usage( alb_usage, aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', ) self._have_usage = True logger.debug("Done checking usage.")
[docs] def _find_usage_elbv1(self): """ Find usage for ELBv1 / Classic ELB and update the appropriate limits. :returns: number of Classic ELBs in use :rtype: int """ logger.debug("Checking usage for ELBv1") self.connect() lbs = paginate_dict( self.conn.describe_load_balancers, alc_marker_path=['NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['LoadBalancerDescriptions'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) for lb in lbs['LoadBalancerDescriptions']: self.limits['Listeners per load balancer']._add_current_usage( len(lb['ListenerDescriptions']), aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', resource_id=lb['LoadBalancerName'], ) self.limits[ 'Registered instances per load balancer' ]._add_current_usage( len(lb['Instances']), aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', resource_id=lb['LoadBalancerName'] ) logger.debug('Done with ELBv1 usage') return len(lbs['LoadBalancerDescriptions'])
[docs] def _find_usage_elbv2(self): """ Find usage for ELBv2 / Application LB and update the appropriate limits. :returns: number of Application LBs in use :rtype: int """ logger.debug('Checking usage for ELBv2') conn2 = client( 'elbv2', config=Config(retries={'max_attempts': ELBV2_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS}), **self._boto3_connection_kwargs ) logger.debug("Connected to %s in region %s (with max retry attempts " "overridden to %d)", 'elbv2', conn2._client_config.region_name, ELBV2_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS) # Target groups tgroups = paginate_dict( conn2.describe_target_groups, alc_marker_path=['NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['TargetGroups'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) self.limits['Target groups']._add_current_usage( len(tgroups['TargetGroups']), aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup' ) # ALBs lbs = paginate_dict( conn2.describe_load_balancers, alc_marker_path=['NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['LoadBalancers'], alc_marker_param='Marker' ) logger.debug( 'Checking usage for each of %d ALBs', len(lbs['LoadBalancers']) ) alb_count = 0 nlb_count = 0 for lb in lbs['LoadBalancers']: if lb.get('Type') == 'network': nlb_count += 1 else: alb_count += 1 self._update_usage_for_alb( conn2, lb['LoadBalancerArn'], lb['LoadBalancerName'] ) self.limits['Network load balancers']._add_current_usage( nlb_count, aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::NetworkLoadBalancer' ) logger.debug('Done with ELBv2 usage') return alb_count
[docs] def _update_usage_for_alb(self, conn, alb_arn, alb_name): """ Update usage for a single ALB. :param conn: elbv2 API connection :type conn: :py:class:`ElasticLoadBalancing.Client` :param alb_arn: Load Balancer ARN :type alb_arn: str :param alb_name: Load Balancer Name :type alb_name: str """ logger.debug('Updating usage for ALB %s', alb_arn) listeners = paginate_dict( conn.describe_listeners, LoadBalancerArn=alb_arn, alc_marker_path=['NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['Listeners'], alc_marker_param='Marker' )['Listeners'] num_rules = 0 num_certs = 0 for l in listeners: certs = [ x for x in l.get('Certificates', []) if x.get('IsDefault', False) is False ] num_certs += len(certs) rules = paginate_dict( conn.describe_rules, ListenerArn=l['ListenerArn'], alc_marker_path=['NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['Rules'], alc_marker_param='Marker' )['Rules'] num_rules += len(rules) self.limits[ 'Listeners per application load balancer']._add_current_usage( len(listeners), aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', resource_id=alb_name, ) self.limits['Rules per application load balancer']._add_current_usage( num_rules, aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', resource_id=alb_name, ) self.limits[ 'Certificates per application load balancer' ]._add_current_usage( num_certs, aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', resource_id=alb_name )
[docs] def _update_usage_for_nlb(self, conn, nlb_arn, nlb_name): """ Update usage for a single NLB. :param conn: elbv2 API connection :type conn: :py:class:`ElasticLoadBalancing.Client` :param nlb_arn: Load Balancer ARN :type nlb_arn: str :param nlb_name: Load Balancer Name :type nlb_name: str """ logger.debug('Updating usage for NLB %s', nlb_arn) listeners = paginate_dict( conn.describe_listeners, LoadBalancerArn=nlb_arn, alc_marker_path=['NextMarker'], alc_data_path=['Listeners'], alc_marker_param='Marker' )['Listeners'] self.limits[ 'Listeners per network load balancer']._add_current_usage( len(listeners), aws_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::NetworkLoadBalancer', resource_id=nlb_name )
[docs] def get_limits(self): """ Return all known limits for this service, as a dict of their names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects. :returns: dict of limit names to :py:class:`~.AwsLimit` objects :rtype: dict """ if self.limits != {}: return self.limits limits = {} # ELBv1 (Classic ELB) limits limits['Classic load balancers'] = AwsLimit( 'Classic load balancers', self, 20, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', quotas_name='Classic Load Balancers per Region', quotas_unit='Count', quotas_unit_converter=allow_count_or_none_units ) limits['Listeners per load balancer'] = AwsLimit( 'Listeners per load balancer', self, 100, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', limit_subtype='LoadBalancerListener' ) limits['Registered instances per load balancer'] = AwsLimit( 'Registered instances per load balancer', self, 1000, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer', limit_subtype='Instance' ) # ELBv2 (ALB) limits limits['Application load balancers'] = AwsLimit( 'Application load balancers', self, 20, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', quotas_name='Application Load Balancers per Region', quotas_unit='Count', quotas_unit_converter=allow_count_or_none_units ) limits['Target groups'] = AwsLimit( 'Target groups', self, 3000, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', limit_subtype='LoadBalancerTargetGroup' ) limits['Listeners per application load balancer'] = AwsLimit( 'Listeners per application load balancer', self, 50, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', limit_subtype='LoadBalancerListener' ) limits['Certificates per application load balancer'] = AwsLimit( 'Certificates per application load balancer', self, 25, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', limit_subtype='Certificate' ) limits['Rules per application load balancer'] = AwsLimit( 'Rules per application load balancer', self, 100, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer', limit_subtype='LoadBalancerRule' ) limits['Network load balancers'] = AwsLimit( 'Network load balancers', self, 20, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::NetworkLoadBalancer', ) limits['Listeners per network load balancer'] = AwsLimit( 'Listeners per network load balancer', self, 50, self.warning_threshold, self.critical_threshold, limit_type='AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::NetworkLoadBalancer', limit_subtype='LoadBalancerListener' ) self.limits = limits return limits
[docs] def _update_limits_from_api(self): """ Query ELB's DescribeAccountLimits API action, and update limits with the quotas returned. Updates ``self.limits``. """ self.connect() logger.debug("Querying ELB DescribeAccountLimits for limits") attribs = self.conn.describe_account_limits() name_to_limits = { 'classic-load-balancers': 'Classic load balancers', 'classic-listeners': 'Listeners per load balancer', 'classic-registered-instances': 'Registered instances per load balancer' } for attrib in attribs['Limits']: if int(attrib.get('Max', 0)) == 0: continue name = attrib.get('Name', 'unknown') if name not in name_to_limits: continue self.limits[name_to_limits[name]]._set_api_limit(int(attrib['Max'])) # connect to ELBv2 API as well self.conn2 = client('elbv2', **self._boto3_connection_kwargs) logger.debug("Connected to %s in region %s", 'elbv2', self.conn2._client_config.region_name) logger.debug("Querying ELBv2 (ALB) DescribeAccountLimits for limits") attribs = self.conn2.describe_account_limits() name_to_limits = { 'application-load-balancers': 'Application load balancers', 'target-groups': 'Target groups', 'listeners-per-application-load-balancer': 'Listeners per application load balancer', 'rules-per-application-load-balancer': 'Rules per application load balancer', 'network-load-balancers': 'Network load balancers', 'listeners-per-network-load-balancer': 'Listeners per network load balancer' } for attrib in attribs['Limits']: if int(attrib.get('Max', 0)) == 0: continue name = attrib.get('Name', 'unknown') if name not in name_to_limits: continue self.limits[name_to_limits[name]]._set_api_limit(int(attrib['Max'])) logger.debug("Done setting limits from API")
[docs] def required_iam_permissions(self): """ Return a list of IAM Actions required for this Service to function properly. All Actions will be shown with an Effect of "Allow" and a Resource of "*". :returns: list of IAM Action strings :rtype: list """ return [ "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeAccountLimits", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeListeners", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeRules" ]